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Liu Xue, Deputy Director of the Pesticide Testing Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture of the People's Republic of China, and his delegation visited Quanfeng in Hebi

 2020-08-05 Click:1701次  Share: 分享到QQ空間 分享到微信 分享到微博
Chang Li, a second level inspector from the Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of Henan Province, and his delegation visited Hebi Quanfeng for investigation and research


On the morning of July 17, 2020, Chang Li, the second level inspector of the Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Chang Shi Youmin, the Director of the Pesticide Management Department of the Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and Yang Yang, the fourth level investigator of the Pesticide Management Department of the Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, visited Hebi Quanfeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for investigation and research in the factory area. Du Yongqing, Deputy Secretary General of the Hebi Municipal Government, Zhang Chao, Mayor of Heshan District, Hebi City, Hu Quangui, Deputy Director of the Agricultural and Rural Bureau of Hebi City, Wang Zhiguo, Chairman of Anyang Quanfeng, and Zhou Yuhong, General Manager of Hebi Quanfeng, accompanied the entire process.


Chang Li, the second level inspector of the Henan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, and his delegation are very concerned about the construction progress of Hebi Quanfeng. They highly evaluate the intelligent central control equipment that Hebi Quanfeng is about to be put into use, and acknowledge the efforts made by Hebi Quanfeng to implement the concept of "wholehearted service, abundant harvest for thousands of households".


Chang Li and his delegation also emphasized that enterprises should manage themselves scientifically, use technological advancements to drive efficiency improvement, and make long-term plans to expand the industrial chain, continuously expand and strengthen, and promote the high-quality development of agriculture in our province.
