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Li Fuguang, Director of China Cotton Institute, and Professor Lan Yubin from South China Agricultural University visited Hebi Quanfeng to guide the work

 2021-06-15 Click:1757次  Share: 分享到QQ空間 分享到微信 分享到微博

On Saturday, June 5, 2021, Li Fuguang, Director of the Cotton Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences and Academician of the International Eurasian Academy of Sciences, Lan Yubin, Director of the International Joint Research Center for Precision Agriculture Aviation Application Technology, Academician of the French Academy of European Sciences, and Foreign Academician of the Georgian National Academy of Sciences, visited Hebi Quanfeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd. for guidance. Wang Zhiguo, Chairman of Anyang Quanfeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd Zhou Yuhong, General Manager of Hebi Quanfeng Biotechnology Co., Ltd., accompanied the tour.


Chairman Wang Zhiguo gave a detailed introduction to Professor Lan and Director Li on the current construction progress, production and operation status, and intelligent chemical plant planning of the Hebi Quanfeng project. Professor Lan and Director Li highly praised Hebi Quanfeng for its factory construction, safety production, intelligent application, and company development prospects, and hoped that Quanfeng Company would take green pesticide research and development, intelligent production, and create more social benefits.
